Buddhism has introduced the concept of karma to control people’s behavior. The concept primarily means that whatever you do has consequences, whether in this life or the future.
Now karma has become an integral part of every culture. Following the traditional Buddhist definition of karma, you can invite good or bad vibes into your life with your thoughts and deeds.
This article lists five Buddha quotes on karma. It also explains the concept and definition of the term and focuses on how to apply it in your daily life.
The Concept of Karma in Buddhism
In Buddhism, karma can be defined as the natural law that entails that there’s a consequence for every intentional act. Such consequences can manifest in this life, but most likely affects future lives.
In other words, everything you do or think will come back to you. If you perform an act of kindness, you may get a better rebirth.
It means that the way you think or act attracts certain vibes into your life. If you’re kind, you invite kindness into your life or a future life.
Your good deeds may result in being reborn in a wealthy family, with great privilege, or in a better world altogether.
How Can Karma Help in Achieving Enlightenment?
Enlightenment is the state of “awakening,” in which a person breaks the cycle of life and rebirth to reach Nirvana.
Karma plays a pivotal role in achieving enlightenment. An important aspect of enlightenment is understanding that past traumas are the consequence of your deeds. Once you accept this reality, you break the cycle and reach ultimate peace.
According to Buddha, you can set yourself free from karma if you realize the void nature of emotions. Free yourself of any emotional load, positive or negative, to achieve absolute freedom.
Buddha Quotes on Karma
What better way to understand karma than the quotes of Buddha himself? Here are five timeless quotes that may help you grasp the concept:
1. “When action comes out of nothing, it creates no karma”
This quote emphasizes the importance of intention in the creation of karma. It means that unintentional actions won’t haunt you.
In other words, karma happens due to intentional good or bad deeds. Therefore, you need to choose to do good to create positive karma.
2. “Once you know the nature of anger and joy is empty, and you let them go, you free yourself from karma”
That’s an interesting quote that refers to achieving enlightenment and reaching a state of Nirvana through karma.
If you want to set yourself free of the cycle of suffering and rebirth, let go of your emotional load. That way, you don’t leave any lingering energy when you die, defying the need for a rebirth. That’s when you reach Nirvana.
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3. “All that we are is the result of what we have thought; what we think we become”
This quote portrays the importance of thought in creating your life path. It’s somehow related to the law of attraction. Thinking positive thoughts brings positive karma into your life.
If you want to live better, think and act positively. What you think and believe will somehow manifest itself as reality in this life or another.
4. “To be selfish, greedy and unwilling to help the needy gives rise to future starvation and ruthlessness”
That direct quote defines karma in a basic and straightforward manner. If you fall into sins, such as greed and selfishness, you won’t be happy and prosperous in your future life.
Karma entails rebirth. Thus, if you do good, expect a better rebirth into a powerful family or with great wealth. However, if you bring bad karma, you’ll find nothing but suffering in your future life.
5. “One who previously made bad karma, but who reforms and creates good karma, brightens the world like the moon appearing from behind a cloud”
This quote demonstrates that although karma is inevitable, it’s not final. You can always change your karma.
Even if you’ve generated a lot of bad karma, there’s still a chance to make good ones. Deliberately changing your karma makes you a better person that brightens the entire world.
Applying Karma in Daily Life
Understanding the concept of karma can shape your entire being. For instance, you can apply karma in your daily life to attract positive consequences. Think and act positively to invite good vibes into your life.
By good deeds, compassion, and mindfulness, you can generate positive karma in your daily life. In addition, you can avoid negative karma by cultivating positive habits and avoiding harmful deeds.
Karma is a central concept in Buddhism. It’s a complicated notion that can be defined as a natural law governing life and rebirth. In simpler terms, there’s an equal effect for every intentional action.
Buddha’s quotes on karma can help you understand the concept more deeply. That way, you can apply it in your daily life.
Generate good karma, and let it guide you toward a more positive and mindful existence.